So I turned 24 on the 17th. Not so much a huge milestone but another birthday nonetheless.
It was fun except for the fact that I had to sit through a meeting and class that day on very little sleep. I had clinical the previous night and came home to a decorated room full of balloons and presents.
Presents from parents: Chi straightener and holder for it to be put in luggage. Presents from Jennifer: Taylor Swift perfume and bag. Joint present: Covert Affairs season 1 on DVD.
The Melting Pot for dinner where we had fabulous fondue and take home chocolate dipped strawberries. It was great!!
We made plans for next year, as I will be turning a quarter of a century and hopefully will have a big kid job with a big kid salary. We will hopefully be going to Italy and Greece.
Melting Pot-
Birthday cake (Thin Mint ice cream cake)
The presents-
P.S. The title is French for Happy Birthday for those of you that didn't take French in high school for 4 years and learned that particular dialect. (Unlike my friend who will remain nameless and resides still in Utah.)