Friday, May 25, 2012

Blessings come in all forms

For anyone close to me knows that the past 6 months have been quite stressful. The beginning of the job search was fun- it was cool to look at all the possible places that I could end up. However, rejection after rejection the fun of job searching turned sour. After traveling to other states, coming up with more hospitals to apply to and talking to friends to see what hospitals they suggested I ended up applying to about 50 positions. From Idaho to Florida. From Texas to Connecticut.
A couple weeks ago I had a job interview at Duke in the PICU. However, it wasn't meant for me to get it. The job search continued.
Last week I was offered a position as an RN at a Christian summer camp in Hendersonville, NC. This position would give me a couple weeks of an income in June and July.
This past Monday I had my second interview. This time at UNC. This time it was meant to be. I got offered the job today.
I am so blessed with the opportunities that are coming my way. I will probably never get the chance to be a camp RN again after this summer. So I am so glad that I will be able to do this for this camp. It will be so much fun to hang out with the kids this summer. I am blessed again with a full-time job now as a RN at a children's hospital that I truly love.
What I am trying to say is that not only have I received the best blessing of now having a job that I have worked so hard in getting but I also have other blessings that come in the form of going to camp this summer.
I am looking forward to the many things that I will learn, the mistakes that will make me a better person and nurse and all the fun times that I will have both at camp and in the hospital!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I love to see the temple

I'll go inside one day.

Tonight I went to the Raleigh temple with my ward to do baptisms. It's sad that I can say what I'm about to say, but it's almost been 2 years since I last went to the temple. I had forgotten how good it feels in there. There is a sense of peace that you can only find in the temple and seeing everyone in just white is amazing. Guys in suits is my weakness, however, guys in temple clothing- close second. But I digress.
I think I was hoping to get some sort of personal revelation to guide me in what my next step should be in life. But all I got was a feeling of peace. I can't help but feel like it was the first of many stepping stones that I need to take to get back on the path that I should have been on for a long time but I have always found reasons to not go. I was busy with nursing school, I had clinicals, I had clinicals again, I had tons of homework, I had an exam to study for, I didn't want to go alone to a new temple.
This past Sunday I felt that it was time to overcome all that and I decided to just go with it. I'm glad I did.
How can I expect things to go right in my life if I'm not doing all the things that I should be doing? I can't and I shouldn't expect that. Hopefully with doing more of the right things in my life more blessings will come- possibly a job.
If only I could bottle up the feelings that are felt in the temple to feel them anytime I wanted.
I am so grateful for temples around the world and for being within 15 minutes of one again.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Are you there?

Speak, he is listening.

Sometimes, just sometimes I wish there was a room where I could go inside and have a two-way, face-to-face conversation with Heavenly Father, where I could hear His voice.
Today would be one of those times. I just wish that I could hear Him tell me that it was going to go be ok, that He is watching over me and that He is leading me on this path that I am on and that He knows best.

There have been a few times in life where I have felt stagnant. Where I feel like whatever I do isn't good enough or will do anything to help me.

This isn't supposed to sound negative at all, it's just me venting over what has happened in the last couple of days. I just want something good to come my way.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's Been A Hard Days Night...

... and I have been working like a dog.

Working to find a job that is.
Today alone I applied to 11 job openings. Yes, you read that correctly. 11 jobs. Just today. These openings are everywhere across the US. Ohio, Philly, Florida, Texas, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Dallas, Indiana and New Haven. This is just a partial list. The list is longer if you include the places that I looked at but they didn't have any job openings.

This job searching thing is getting a bit overwhelming but I'm keeping my chin up.

**Update- thank goodness I spent all day filling out all these applications because I didn't get the job at Duke that I interviewed for.