This past weekend was General Conference.
I feel so blessed to be out here because I have had the chance to go to the conference center at least once for every conference.
This past weekend I was able to go to the Saturday afternoon session, I always like going to that one in particular because that's when all the Brethern and officers of the church get sustained and I get to be apart of that and hear one of the counselors tell the Prophet that from what he can see in the Conference Center it is an affirmative. It's such a cool experience to be that close to the Prophet and the Apostles and to feel of their wonderful spirit.
I was able to go with my 2 roommates, Charlie and Sam and my sister. It was Sam's first time and I am so happy that she was finally able to go. I hope it was a special experience that she will remember for the rest of her life. I always find it funny that as soon as you walk out of the conference center there are tons of protesters. Sam got a kick out of one of them that was talking about sharing your husband with your mother. (A guy and about 10 girls were dressed up in pioneer clothes and had signs around their necks saying that he was Joseph Smith and the girls were wife #1- #23 or something like that.) She laughed out loud... it was pretty funny. If only people gave our religion a chance they would see how true it really is and how we believe in normal things just like everyone else.
I love conference because it seems like it rejuvenates me and makes me want to be better at everything.
My favorite talk given, by far, was Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk. He is so powerful and he doesn't leave anything out and he tells you how it is and doesn't hold anything back. I always look forward to hearing him speak.
During conference I was still anticipating hearing Elder Wirthlin's name. And it saddened me when it was never spoken. How I miss that man. He always had such a sweet spirit about him and very inspirational stories.
A new Florida temple was announced!!! It is going to be in Ft. Lauderdale. It will be amazing to see Florida with 2 temples now! That was a very cool and surprising announcement. I am happy for those that this temple will serve.
I just love General Conference. Charlie tivo-ed it so we can watch it as much as we want now. And with that we will have to wait another 6 months before it comes around again.
Oh, and Charlie and Sam's brother Adison got his mission call on Friday!! I was able to be apart of the family 5-way phone call. It was amazing to hear him read his letter. He will be serving in the Cordoba Argentina Mission and will be reporting to the Provo MTC on January 27th. From what I know about him- he will be an excellent missionary and will serve those people in the best way he knows how!! So my congratulations goes out to him!!! Serve well and return with honor!!
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