To continue where I left off from part 1...
Part 2: Why Men Do What They Do
- A sports fish- doesn't have any rules, requirements, respect for herself or guidelines VS. a keeper- never gives in easily, standards are up front, she commands respect and she understands her power.
- How to tell if he's looking for a keeper: genuinely interested in what you have to say, willing to abide by your rules, pays for dates, introduced you to his people, wants relationship to be exclusive, has himself together financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
- "It's much better to be in a relationship with a man who loved his mother than it is to be with someone who can't stand the woman who gave birth to him."
- For some "sex can be a purely physical act for us- love has absolutely nothing to do with it."
- Priorities need to be: God, family, education, business and then everything else.
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