Wednesday, October 17, 2012

25 random facts

25 things about me in honor of my 25th birthday!! Some may know lots and some may only know 1. Can't believe that I'm 25 now. Quarter-of-a-century!!! :)

1. I'm allergic to kiwi. Haven't been officially tested for it but I'm pretty sure that's true. 
2. I've only had 1 boyfriend. Yep. Ok. Moving on to #3...
3. I have 3 degrees from 3 different universities in 3 years. Associates degree- BYU-Idaho, Bachelor's degree- BYU, Accelerated Bachelor's degree- Duke.
4. I love roller coasters. Wooden. Metal. Kiddie. Trill. Doesn't matter.
5. I hate wearing a watch.
6. I dressed up as "Jim" growing up so I could go on church father/son camp-outs with my dad and brother. Ball cap, polo, suspenders, jeans and tennis shoes. 
7. I think I may have OCD. I have to make sure the locks on the doors are locked before I go to bed.
8. I don't call myself a picky eater but I can be and I don't really like my foods touching on my plate.
9. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My least favorite is Valentine's Day.
10. I've gotten 1 ticket and have been in 1 car accident- neither of which should have been my fault.
11. I have an irrational fear that I will never be loved by someone.
12. I have only lived in 4 states- Florida, Idaho, Utah and North Carolina.  
13. I hate stopping at the top or middle of bridges- over water or roads. I have a fear that they will break and I'll go crashing to my death in my car.
14. I feel like a 5 year old every time I go to Disney World. Literally.
15. I'm the youngest of 4 children.
16. I hate wearing shoes. Socks too usually. Flip flops or bare foot is the way to go.
17. I play the flute and piano. 
18. I cannot look at people passing me in cars whether I'm driving or a passenger, mostly as a passenger. It stems from when a lady pulled a gun on my dad and I as we were driving home from church one Sunday, years and years and years ago.
19. I really like taking naps.
20. My favorite color is blue. Pretty much any shade.
21. I love the smell of rain.
22. My favorite thing on playgrounds are the swings. Ironically, while attending Montessori school I had 2 or 3 swings break while I was on them. 
23. I love chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Really anything that involves chocolate chips, I think. 
24. I love snuggling up on the couch with a cozy blanket to watch a movie. 
25. I'm grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm grateful to know that a loving Father in Heaven knows me by name and knows what I need when I need it. I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it.


katelyn said...

Loved this post! Happy Birthday, to a wonderful, amazing girl! :) Miss you!