Friday, December 6, 2013

The missionary

I have been writing this missionary for about 8 months now. I was sent his email by Shara and was told to write him and we've been writing every week since. Now that I've moved out here I was worried it might be a little strange, hoping it would be awhile before I bumped into him. Well that didn't exactly happen. We were on our way back from dropping off Shara's oldest at a friends house when a car comes speeding up behind us. It turned out to be the missionaries and Shara followed them until they pulled over. I was sitting in the back seat of the truck and was trying to stay out of the conversation and not be noticed. I didn't want anything to be weird or awkward. Well then Shara had to point out that I was in the back seat. Eric got a nervous look on his face and the topic of conversation changed quickly. So now I can say that I've seen him in person. Still can't say that I've talked to him.
Thanks a lot Shara.