Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gratitude Day 15: Communication

I may not always appreciate it but I am very thankful for the communication that I have with my parents.

To some they may seem over-bearing, but I know that they really just want to make sure I'm okay and that I'm doing okay.

It usually isn't more than 2 days that I go without at least texting my mother but it's usually a daily phone call. I'm so glad that I have a mom that cares and loves me enough to make sure that she hears from me once a day, at least.

I know that if she were to go a couple of days without hearing from me she'd be the first one on the phone contacting the local police department to do a well-person check to make sure I was okay. If she didn't do that then she would for sure drive or fly up here to make sure herself.

So thank you technology- cell phones, email, texts and all other forms of communication.