Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gratitude Day 4: Music

Research shows that music has an affect on you. The type of music matters.

I'm grateful for the many artists that are very talented in music that I can pop in a c.d. and immediately feel uplifted.

I've had a rule to only listen to Sunday music on Sundays. On Sundays when I work, like today, it's no different. I've been playing a c.d. lately by Jenny Phillips and I love it. The music is clean, uplifting and it always puts me in a better mood. It reminds me that there are bigger things in life than the small things I seem to be going through at the time. I love that music can do that for me.

I love music. I swear that half the capacity of my brain is made up of song lyrics.

This has been one of my favorites lately. It's been on repeat.