Friday, January 25, 2013

TMI?... Maybe...

So one of my weird quirks is that I don't like getting in or out of the shower.
I literally have to talk myself into getting in the shower.
This happened tonight.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about the process.
I don't know if it's the whole naked thing or what.
Being cold outside only makes the process longer and the talking myself into it a more time consuming process.
However, once I'm in the shower I'm good.
Then the process starts all over again when I have to get out.
I am so weird.
I can only imagine what some things are going to be like once I'm married. (If you catch my drift.) :)

Monday, January 21, 2013


Ok... So now I actually believe that it can snow in North Carolina. Even if it is just a light coating on the ground. You would have thought the world was ending with how quickly things were shutting down. Schools were cancelled or on delay. But don't worry- we medical people were required to be at work on time.

Florida time

There was so much that we got done while down in Florida. It almost seemed like we needed a vacation to recover from the vacation.

We drove down to Florida on the 26th- got there on the 27th after a quick nap was taken in a Florida rest area. 
Attained my goal of running 3 miles before the end of the year. 
Attended a birthday party for a friend. 
Had Christmas, a couple days late.
Went to Disney World on New Year's Eve. It was crazy and super packed. 20 hours of Disney fun. 
Went bridesmaid dress shopping and picked out the dresses we wanted. 
Had dinner with brother and sister-in-law.
Saw Grandma down in Miami. 
Drove by the Ft. Lauderdale temple site. 
Visited a friend. 
Set up new tv's and a new computer for the parentals. 
Drove back to North Carolina. 

Birthday Party:

Disney fun:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Top 12 of 2012

Because everyone else is doing it, I figured I would too. Here's my top 12 for the year.

12. Disney fun
Spent leap day and the last day of the year at Disney World. Disney fun for 24 hours on leap day and 20 hours to ring in the new year. During our leap day visit I was able to meet Cinderella- it made my day. During our New Year's visit Jennifer was able to meet Belle and we got to go through the new Fantasyland. 

11. Haircut!!
Cut off 12 inches of my hair. Donated it for Locks for Love. Got a new do and got highlights and lowlights too. 

10. BYU Football
Drove to Georgia to see BYU football play Georgia Tech. Mom and dad met us up there. We won. It was a fun game. Georgia Tech has some bad attitude fans though.

9. BYU Basketball
Drove to Kentucky to see BYU Men's Basketball team play in a NCAA game. We ended up losing but it was fun to be back in the same arena as the team and to root for them. I love my boys in blue. 

8. Birthday
Turned 25 years old. Quarter-of-a-century. Cannot believe it. 

7. Official RN
Took and passed the NCLEX in January. Took it on a Friday and it was the longest weekend of my life waiting to find out if I passed or not. Finding out that the past 16 months hadn't been a waste and I could finally start my dream job was beyond words.

6. First guy 
Went on my first date with a guy that I met while at camp at TGIFridays. Which lead to my first boyfriend and everything that entails- including first break-up. The break-up thing, I wouldn't recommend that to anyone- it's not very fun. We saw The Amazing SpidermanThe Dark Knight Rises, started the series Firefly, went out to dinner, went to Carowinds, etc. I learned a lot about myself and a lot about what I want in a boyfriend/ future husband.
*no pictures :(*

5. First job 
Got my first job as a nurse- Camp Kanuga, Camp Bob and Youth Week at Kanuga. Had the best time. 
We didn't have a/c but it didn't matter because we were having fun and spending time outside. It was so fun to learn from other nurses and to get the experience of working as a nurse. Met some very cool people along the way.

4. Virginia trip 
Drove to Virginia for Charlie and Steven's open house. Couldn't pass up another chance to see Charlie, Steven and Sam.

3. Texas wedding 
Flew to Texas to see one of my best friends get married. I loved seeing Charlie come out of the Houston temple dressed in white, sealed to her husband for eternity and looking beautiful! Helped set up the reception and spend even more time with the McClellan sisters.

2. First hospital  
Started my job at the hospital working with some wonderful children and their families. Some might think that working with children in a hospital is hard, but it's not bad. We see kids come in hurt, they get fixed, usually in surgery, and then they get to go home. There are up days and down days just as there are in any other job. 

1. Family
Spent time with family. Had visits in North Carolina from the parents and drove down to Florida for some family time too. They are the one constant in my life. Nobody knows me better than my family members and there isn't many other people that I act like myself in front of. My sister is the one I can laugh with. My brother will always be my protector- even if he's in the middle of the ocean on a tugboat. I love them dearly.  

2012 was full of patience- to know that answers would come, courage- to step out of my comfort zone, gratitude- for plans working out, trust- in the Lord's timing, smiles- for the happy days, comfort- for the sad, lonely and depressing days, laughter- when reminiscing about the good ol' days, confidence- to know who I am and to feel good when around and getting introduced to new people, friendships- new, old and the ties that bind us forever and hope- in a better tomorrow.

2012 was a good year- here's to hoping that 2013 is even better.