Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Star Light

Star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
Wish I may, Wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

The picture doesn't do what I saw last night justice. The moon was just a sliver and the northern star was super bright. I get the sense that we are not alone in this life when I see things like this. To other people it's the flowers in the spring, to others it may natural creations in the earth's formation.
I really like watching the night sky. I love the moon. The brightness that it gives off is a nice contrast to the black night sky. At times when it's rising it's huge and as it makes its way into the night's sky it decreases in size. At times it's red, orange, white or grey. At times it looks as if it was made of swiss cheese. I also love watching stars. When I go on a road trips I always look for shooting stars, sometimes I'm successful and sometimes not- I just love them. I think that it's cool that people can look up and pick out various shapes and people that the stars, to them, make. I've never been good at connecting the stars.
I just wanted to share my love for moments like this. They don't happen often but when they do it's often the time that I need them to happen.

Monday, April 16, 2012


When we got home from Texas last Wednesday I was checking my email and I had an email waiting for me about a job. I have my first interview tomorrow morning with the Duke PICU. Now, I'm not holding my breath but it would be a pretty cool first job. From what I have seen I think I want to work in an ICU area for a career- it's just finding out what type of ICU that should be.
If I were to get this job it would open so many doors for me and be a whole new learning experience. Hopefully everything will go well tomorrow and I will finally have a job. This no job thing is getting kinda boring.
Everyone- cross your fingers!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Alexander

This past week I had the privilege of going to Texas to see one of my best friends get married.
Charlie and I got to know each other in the Fall of 2008 after I decided to transfer from BYU-Idaho. We've been friends ever since. Last August, while between semesters of school, I went on a trip to Texas to visit Charlie and Sam. During this trip I was able to meet the guy that she was thinking about dating. I got to meet Steven before they officially started dating. Then only 8.5 months later I traveled back to Texas to see them get married.
The McClellan family always treats me like family and this trip was no different. While there, Jennifer and I were able to join in with the celebrations of frozen yogurt, rehearsal dinner at Eden's Cafe, the temple, family luncheon and the reception.
Everything about this past weekend was wonderful. The colors were bright, the flowers were beautiful, the weather wasn't too hot, the friends were great and the reception was amazing.

I couldn't pick favorite pictures so here's a few.

Coming out of the temple-

The girls-

The guys-

They looked so happy the entire time-


Charlie and Adison-

Sam and I-


Me, Charlie, Jennifer, Sam-

Jennifer and I-

The decorated car-

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A needed va-cay

In just a couple of days I will be jumping on a plane to Texas!! Yes, jumping!! I could not be more excited and happy. Who knew that I would need a vacation from my very boring life that I lead right now.
I am very excited to see some of my favorite old roommates from BYU and catch up on our lives.
Sam and Charlie taught me more than they know while living with them for 2 years. Haylie and I shared a room- we got close- and she taught me things too.
It has been fun to see how our lives have changed since we parted ways back in August 2010.
To keep from getting too emotional this far out from my flight, Char's wedding and the 2nd reunion of Sam, Charlie and Jannette I will end this post now.

T- 58 hours and counting!!!