Sunday, May 22, 2011

August vacation

So while I lived in Utah I had 2 of the most amazing roommates who were sisters. They happened to be from Texas and had a lot of Texas pride, but not too much. They never rubbed it your face. They also had another sister and a brother-in-law that lived in the area that took me in and treated me like I was part of their family while we were in school. Now, 3 out of the 4 of them are back in Texas and the other will soon join them. (Classes will soon be over!!) I could not be more grateful for all of them. I am so glad that my schedule has time off that I can use to see them again for the first time in almost a year.
By the time I get out there it will have been a year since I said my tearful good-byes to my awesome roommates as I left to start over in North Carolina. I, for one, cannot wait for our reunion. It has been too long. I miss them more than they know or can probably comprehend.
Texas and all the great Tex-Mex restaurants that I've been hearing of for the past 2 years- watch out. August 2011, Magnolia, TX is the time and place of the Charlie, Sam and Jannette reunion. It's offical! I CANNOT wait!!!

Now I just have to book my flight...

Edit... I now have a flight. Texas vacay from August 17-23!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sometimes it's the little things in life

So the other day I was thinking to myself that I could not remember the last time I saw a rainbow.
There has been some interesting weather here on the East Coast lately and North Carolina has gotten its fair share. This past week it had been raining on and off. Not very conducive to the amount of studying that I had to do to ready myself for finals.
So there I was on Friday, feeling extremely tired from the long week of finals and what felt like non-stop studying, when I looked out of my window and saw the perfectly shaped and bright double rainbow that seemed to be over our apartment complex. It was just a little thing. But I felt in some wierd way that Heavenly Father had been listening to my random ramblings. I felt like He wanted to show to me that He was there, especially through this extremely stressful time in my life and that is what I needed to see on Friday.
By Friday I had taken 2 out of my 3 finals. With my 3rd being the next morning at 9a. Yes. On a Saturday. I had already found out how well I did on my first one- and I say well because the grade that I got on that final was better than I had received all semester in any of my classes. However, I did not feel confident after my final on Wednesday and almost felt exhausted from it to the point that I did not want to study another set of powerpoints but knew that I had my most important final still to come.
I'm usually not such a baby when it comes to finals. But I can say that I have never had 3 comprehensive finals that were at least 20% of my grade in the same semester, let alone in the same week. So it kind of hit me hard.
So the rainbow on Friday afternoon felt like an answer to a prayer. Even if it was just a small one.
I need to look more for these little things in my life because I know that they are there and that they have a purpose.