Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One More Time

One more time
We gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop dancing

One more time
We gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop dancing...

I don't know what else to say other than I can't believe that I have passed.

It is nothing short a of small miracle in my life. I know that I wasn't able to accomplish that alone. I know that I had a lot of prayers and pleadings in my behalf and I am so excited to know that I have that many people in my life that cares that much for me. Thank you if you were one of those people. You have helped me get me to where I am today. Today is a good day. I am so excited!

It is now Jannette Kelley, BSN, RN!!!!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Saturday is a special day.
It's the day we get ready for Sunday.
We clean the house, and we shop at the store, So we won't have to work until Monday.
We brush our clothes, and we shine our shoes, And we call it our get-the-work done day.
Then we trim our nails, and we shampoo our hair, So we can be ready for Sunday.

Tomorrow is going to be my first Sunday in a new ward.
I don't usually like change all that much.
For someone that deals with being shy, walking into a new ward by yourself is not fun.
But I'm going to do it tomorrow.
And it will all be fine.
Positive thoughts.

(To my blog- thanks for all the support and encouragement.)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another blog

If you want to see what I've been up to these past several days you can go check out Jennifer and my new blog. The Magnificent Chronicles of J & J. Found here: http://magnificentlychronicled.blogspot.com

Check back each day for an update.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

On the Move again

It may be to a place that is only 20 minutes down the road but I still don't like moving. Jennifer and I decided that we really don't like being in Durham so we started to look for places outside Durham but not too far in regards to driving to and from work. The search started with townhomes and we both decided that there is nothing in the area that is reasonable in price. We knew that we couldn't stay in this apartment because there is never any parking anywhere near our building, the rent was going up and we really didn't want to stay. So another apartment it was. This time the apartment is in a nicer area and we only signed a one year contract.

North Carolina has never felt like home though. It's hard to explain. There is nothing that ties me to this place. If I wanted to I could pack up and move somewhere entirely different tomorrow- I could. It's not like I have a husband that has a job here or kids that are in the public school system or great friends in the ward. Durham, North Carolina is just a place on the map. I know this probably won't change until I have a reason to put down some roots but I would like to call a place home. I mean, the apartments that I had out at BYU felt more like home than this place does.

Here's to making a new apartment- home. At least for a year. Maybe. We shall see what this year has in store for me.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

2011 was a good year. I was in the hardest program for nursing that I could have imagined and got through it. Graduation was December 10. I able to go on a cruise for the first time. Didn't particularly like it but will be trying another one maybe this year. I got to be around when a beautiful baby boy was born on Easter Sunday. I was able to travel to Texas to see some great friends. Which I will be going back to soon!! I went to New York for a vacation longer than 8 hours. Had a blast! Went to Florida several times. Went to see Josh Groban in concert 3 times this year. Got to meet Josh Groban in person for the first time.

New Year's resolutions are something that I never really do but figured I would try it out this year. It's a good thing that I didn't make any last year because I probably wouldn't have done any except one- graduate from nursing school. But here is my attempt at 2012 resolutions. Not in any particular order.

1. Be happier.
2. Start living in the moment.
3. Lose weight.
4. Be more thoughtful in scripture study.
5. Pass the NCLEX- RN exam.
6. Get a job that I love.
7. Travel to places I have never been before.
8. Go on a date.
9. See one of my best friends get married. Exact date- April 7, 2012!!!! :)
10. Read at least 12 books, one per month for fun.