Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oreos anyone?

Since Christmas, Jennifer and I have been looking for this oreo cookie cake mold. The mold came seperately from the cake and frosting mixtures. It was supposed to come out looking like an oreo and taste like one as well.
It sorta worked. The lady at Williams Sonoma told us that in order for it to work then you had to liberally grease the molds. I thought I had done that well enough... apparently not. The cakes came out in about 2 or 3 different pieces. I tried to reassemble them and it worked well enough for this picture. It was very crumbly but it tasted so good. I think it tasted better as it sat and hardened a little. I think that after a day or so it did actually taste like an oreo. Just sweeter. But it's a cake, what can you expect. I think I will try it again in a couple of months after I have lost the pounds that this cake made me gain. I will do like the lady at Williams Sonoma said though- "Throughly grease the molds."
That was my excitement of this past weekend.