Saturday, December 22, 2012

Luke 22

Luke 22:32

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

There is so much in this chapter. Christ is betrayed by one of His own disciples. He does the sacrament-  the sacrament is in remembrance of Him. Christ goes to the Mount of Olives. He does this so He can take upon Him the sins of the world. He bleeds from every pore. He asks for His disciples to not enter into temptation and to stay with Him. Even an angel comes to help HIm through the process.

With everything that is said within this chapter I really liked the above scripture because with all that was going on at this point in Christ's life- He was still praying for those around Him. He could have been selfish but again He put others first. He prays for us, that we can have and keep the faith that we need and then use that faith to help others around us.