Sunday, March 25, 2012


Nobody likes change. However, after a talk that was given in sacrament meeting today I have better feelings about the process of change. We had Elder Gibbins come to talk to us, he's a area 70 I think. He gave an awesome talk. Here is what I took away from it.
- There will never be a time in life where everything will make sense and will know what to do.
- Life is tough... Cowboy up!
- Moses doubted- he was called on to deliver. The Lord didn't respond back with a yeah, you're right, you can't do it. Instead He told Moses- Moses go, I will take care of it. I will be with you, I'll take care of you.
- Jeramiah in premortal was foreordained. The Lord also told him- if you go I will take care of you.
- Enoch cried repentance. He was slow of speech. The Lord told him- go forth and do what I have commanded.
- As He was with those 3 great prophets He will be with us.
- As we make changes He will be with us. He tells us to go and He will help us.
- In order to change we have to take action, not just rely on Him.
- Stars won't be perfectly lined up before we make a move.


katelyn said...

Loved this post! It was a good reminder to me that sometimes all we need is a little faith to move forward, and somehow or another, God will fill in the gaps. :) Hope you are doing well! Love ya!