Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A needed va-cay

In just a couple of days I will be jumping on a plane to Texas!! Yes, jumping!! I could not be more excited and happy. Who knew that I would need a vacation from my very boring life that I lead right now.
I am very excited to see some of my favorite old roommates from BYU and catch up on our lives.
Sam and Charlie taught me more than they know while living with them for 2 years. Haylie and I shared a room- we got close- and she taught me things too.
It has been fun to see how our lives have changed since we parted ways back in August 2010.
To keep from getting too emotional this far out from my flight, Char's wedding and the 2nd reunion of Sam, Charlie and Jannette I will end this post now.

T- 58 hours and counting!!!