Friday, May 25, 2012

Blessings come in all forms

For anyone close to me knows that the past 6 months have been quite stressful. The beginning of the job search was fun- it was cool to look at all the possible places that I could end up. However, rejection after rejection the fun of job searching turned sour. After traveling to other states, coming up with more hospitals to apply to and talking to friends to see what hospitals they suggested I ended up applying to about 50 positions. From Idaho to Florida. From Texas to Connecticut.
A couple weeks ago I had a job interview at Duke in the PICU. However, it wasn't meant for me to get it. The job search continued.
Last week I was offered a position as an RN at a Christian summer camp in Hendersonville, NC. This position would give me a couple weeks of an income in June and July.
This past Monday I had my second interview. This time at UNC. This time it was meant to be. I got offered the job today.
I am so blessed with the opportunities that are coming my way. I will probably never get the chance to be a camp RN again after this summer. So I am so glad that I will be able to do this for this camp. It will be so much fun to hang out with the kids this summer. I am blessed again with a full-time job now as a RN at a children's hospital that I truly love.
What I am trying to say is that not only have I received the best blessing of now having a job that I have worked so hard in getting but I also have other blessings that come in the form of going to camp this summer.
I am looking forward to the many things that I will learn, the mistakes that will make me a better person and nurse and all the fun times that I will have both at camp and in the hospital!!!


katelyn said...

I am so excited for you, Jannette! I'm glad that you've been able to see how the Lord has blessed your life, and I'm excited to hear more about your camp-adventures this summer. :) That sounds like so much fun.

Symantha said...

Have I mentioned how cool it is that we got to see you come all this way? And that I'm proud of you? Yes? Okay. Keep on keepin on, then.