Saturday, December 10, 2011

There's so much to be thankful for

Thanksgiving was spent at our apartment this year. Just Jennifer and I. We had a pretty good spread of food. This year it felt like I had so much to be thankful for. I had a degree from BYU, I had a sister to live with, I had 15 months of nursing school behind me and about to graduate, I have great friends, I've made some new friends in the past 15 months that will forever be in my life, I have the gospel and the knowledge that gives me, I have people that love me, I have people that are very proud of what I have accomplished so far, etc.

We also were able to go out to Biltmore Estate again before our passes expired. It is so beautiful at Christmas time. We snapped a few pictures outside then went in and snapped some inside (don't tell)!! :) While over there we also went to Grove Park Inn to see some gingerbread houses. These are a couple of my favorites. Some not so good and some that actually were.