Friday, October 5, 2012


I haven't been watching Glee on a regular basis for awhile now. However, this week's episode got something right.
Rachel: "Don't you get it? No matter how rich, famous, or successful I become, when it comes to you, I'm always going to be that moon-eyed girl... You were the first boy who made me feel loved, and sexy and visible. You were my first love..."

As silly as it sounds that's how I've felt for about 2 months now. There was this boy. Still not sure what all he found attractive in me. But he saw me. He was the first boy to ever do so. It felt good to feel "loved, and sexy and visible". Now I've been working on getting over not feeling that everyday. I'm working on not expecting a text from him. I'm working on accepting that I'll probably never hear from him again. It's been a sad realization because I'm pretty sure he's been doing just fine and hasn't had a single second thought about me. It's times like now that I hate being a girl. There's so many emotions and thoughts and everything else that get everything tangled up in a big ol' mess.