Friday, November 2, 2012

Gratitude Day 2: Work

As much as I love my sleep and the idea of not having to do anything, I am so grateful for the fact that I have a job and a career.

I have worked very hard to get to where I am. There were lots of prayers from many people in my behalf, prayers of my own, difficult decisions, long nights, tears, cramming and a long overdue walk across a stage.

To some people the fact that I have my life already figured out may be intimidating but I am 25 years old and I have figured out my life. That is something I am very proud of. I worked hard, studied hard, put my schooling before much else and have landed a great job.

I'm grateful to be a pediatric nurse. It's not what I thought I'd end up doing but it's great. I'm grateful to be off orientation and to be doing my own thing. I'm grateful to be employed. I'm grateful for working on the pediatric floor that I do.