Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gratitude Day 22: Everything

Where to start?!

I am so thankful for everything in my life.

I am thankful for my family, my friends, my best-friends, my soon-to-be family member, the gospel, the knowledge of eternal families and the possibility to create one of my own in the future, my nursing license, my job, my paycheck, the roof over my head, the bed that I sleep in, the clothes in the closet, the shoes that cover my feet, my car, the country that I live in, the food in my fridge, washers and dryers, wonderful weather, the holiday season, movies and tv shows, seeing stars in the sky at night, the sun that gives us it's warmth, the little reminders of God's love for me, His tender mercies, the blessings in my life even though I am undeserving, the hobbies I enjoy, my ability to exercise, laughing, crying, people that come into my life- whether they stay or leave, lessons learned, lessons that I'm still learning, my critical thinking and problem solving skills, healthy children, my health, the lessons learned every shift on how not to treat my future children, spiritual strength of others, the ability to change, the scriptures, past relationships, relationships in the future, influences of others, the leadership of the church, my hope and faith in the future- the future of my personal life and of things to come, sacrifices of others, the ability to take showers each day, the freedoms that I enjoy each and every day, books, music, the changing seasons, all the worldly possessions that I have that make living just a little bit easier, Christ and His sacrifice of the atonement and His crucifixion, being able to be reunited with family members that have already passed on, the pets that I've had, modern technology, running water in my apartment, heat and air conditioning in the apartment...

That list could go on forever if I were to think of every little and big thing that I am truly thankful for.

There is so much to be thankful for...